If Vegas in the daytime is a long, leisurely string of hours filled with sun, drinks and cat naps, then Vegas at night is like its crazy, evil twin.
There is nothing leisurely (long, yes, but not leisurely) about Sin City when the sun goes down. As soon as that ball of fire hits the horizon the music turns up and it's time to shine, people. Throw all the rules out the window, because Vegas doesn't care. When you're there, you're whoever you want to be and the possibilities are literally endless. I like to say that every city has a frequency that it vibrates at and so does every person. When you're in a place that you LOVE deep down for reasons you can't quite put your finger on but that you can feel, those frequencies are matching up. You're in tune and you just feel alive. For me, that's Vegas.
Here are my nighttime essentials, which have been fine tuned over years of getting it wrong.
The List:
- THE dress. And not just any dress. This is the time to pull out all the stops and wear the most fabulous (but still classy!) beauty you can find. Remember, this isn't a night out at the 4-H Crab Feed. Your boss will not be here and neither will your grandmother. Flaunt what you got and make sure to take pics.
- Fun shoes are key. You know the ones I'm talking about. The ones you bought imagining all the fabulous places you were wear them, only to find them collecting dust on the shelf? Those shoes are Vegas Shoes. I love bright, shiny red shoes and this is one of the only places I can wear them without looking like a prostitute.
- Jewelry: Pick a few statement pieces and rock them. This is not the time to pile on your bangles or endless stack of so-called "arm candy". You're going to be moving and shaking all night and you want to avoid sounding like a one-man band.
- One of my favorite secrets is the Diamond Ring. If you're not already betrothed but still want to avoid the endless waves of d-bags that will inevitably approach you throughout your trip, go to Claire's and buy the biggest, most obnoxious engagement-looking ring you can find. Keep it on your person at all times and slip it on when you a need to put up that force field. Works like a charm.
- Ditch your purse for the evening and grab a small clutch or wristlet. Throw in your ID, a credit card, your phone, and a little cash. No one wants to lug around a bag all night and everything you think you need for the night will go untouched. You'll be too busy dancing.
- Everyone has their own drinking strategy for Vegas. I've learned mine the hard way. Now I stick with white wine or champagne as much as possible (no stains, can't be mixed wrong, a bit unexpected) with perhaps a clear mixed drink thrown in now and again (Vodka 7 w/ Lime).
- After an unfortunate incident involving running back to my hotel barefoot through the streets of Vegas in the wee hours of the morning, I discovered the wonders of Fast Flats. Those shiny red shoes are going to be the death of you so you'll need some relief after the music stops. Pop these babies in your clutch and you'll thank me later.
- And finally, the be-all-end-all of hangover cures, Pellegrino and pretzels. Don't ask me why it works, it just does. These precious gems are the first things I pick up when stocking the mini bar and can be the difference between a good morning and a bad one.
With that, I'm off. Wish me luck and stay tuned for stories when I get back!
Love the heels and ring!