
Monday, November 5, 2012

Mondays Blow. Let's Talk About Shopping.

My original plan for this post was to talk about some of my problems, but let's be honest, neither you nor I have that much time.

Seriously though, I have issues. Not like Lindsay Lohan has issues, but issues nonetheless. For instance, I hate things that are round. And I am literally terrified to use the phone. Listing my quirks (that's what I like to call them) would take all day, but there are couple that I think are fantastic fodder for blog content, especially when it comes to fashion (my unhealthy relationship with jackets or Michel Kors watches, for instance). Before we dive into that craziness, though, let's start slow and start with the standard girl obsession  - shopping!

{I probably should have prefaced this whole blog by warning everyone that I don't actually have a freaking clue what I'm talking about. I'm in no position to preach a GD thing about fashion or wine or anything for that matter. I just know that I really enjoy these particular things, among many others, and if someone gets a little pleasure from my ranting or even learns a little something from what I have to say then I've made a little difference  and that makes me smile.}

Now that that little disclaimer is out of the way, we can move on.

Yesterday was one of those glorious shopping days where you come home with sore arms laden with shiny bags full of so many good deals you feel like you just robbed the mall. My sister and I spent the day hitting up our favorite regular haunts, including the new H&M in town (which was fab!). I did some damage, as usual, but I now have this blog to blame it on. I mean, I need to shop for new things so I have something to talk about, right? (I can just feel my husband's eyes rolling).

The day resulted in lots of Fall Wardrobe Enhancements to talk about in future posts, so as always, stay tuned. For now, here is the outfit I wore shopping.

Sweater: BR Outlet, Shirt: American Eagle, Pants: BR Outlet, Shoes: ALDO, Watch: Micheal Kors
Fashion Tip

Both my sister and I believe in dressing strategically when attempting a retail marathon. The key here is "minimal", or "easy off, easy on". Unless you're a dude, you're going to be try everything on (you DO try everything on, right??). This means you'll be spending most of your time undressing and redressing, so your "dressing"should be  simple. Choose outfits with as few layers, fasteners, zippers, and accessories as possible. There's nothing worse than wrestling your ass into and out of those skinny jeans, socks and do-me boots 10 different times. All that sucking in and you're getting into dangerous pass-out territory, my friends. Trust me. 

My outfit this time included slip-on flats and skinny (but not TOO skinny) pants, which are perfect shopping staples. I also wore a button up shirt and cardigan which kind of violates the minimal fasteners rule, but it's actually a great idea. Wearing a button up eliminates the horrible makeup smears that inevitably end up all over everything I try on. Also, I rolled the cuffs of the shirt OVER the cuffs of the cardigan (LOVE doing this), which makes them connected so they come off/go on as one piece. Throw a neutral tank or cami underneath and, bam, you have a great base layer you can leave on for items that need a little something underneath. 

Speaking of underthings, Rule #2 is to ALWAYS wear a nude bra and undies when shopping. It's not sexy, but it sure helps to not look like a prostitute when trying on that white Easter dress.

I'm positively giddy thinking about the new items now residing in my closet. Hopefully I can get my s**t together and think up some fun outfits this week. Happy Monday, friends!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for, get over the phone thing and call your Auntie M. (Marshmellow) !! Quick...before she sends you a bunch of round stuff!!
