
Friday, November 2, 2012

Friday, (Ox)Bloody Friday...

It's not a secret that Friday is up there on my list of favorite days of the week. Once that proverbial bell rings and I survive the grueling 4-mile commute home from work, I rush to check the mail like a 12 year old waiting for her signed One Direction poster. Because to me Friday means one thing: a new US Weekly and a glass of wine. OK, two things.

Anyway, that's the start of my weekend in a nutshell. More often than not I also make a sizable dent in my DVR's queue, not to mention the junk food section of my pantry. I don't know what it is about Friday that makes me feel like a death row convict on a weekend pass in Vegas, but I sure do enjoy the hell out of it.

This Friday was particularly awesome because I received one of my favorite fall wardrobe enhancements (how much better does they sound than "unnecessary online impulse purchase"?) in the mail yesterday and got to bust them out!!

If you have a pulse and a vagina (or wish you had one), you know that you can't swing a dead cat these days without hitting something "oxblood"-colored. The faint of heart call it burgundy or maroon or berry, but I personally like the edgy name. And I'm OBSESSED with the color. So when I ordered these boots online I couldn't wait to wear them. They scream "fabulous", "sexy", "trendy". Too bad I have no idea how to actually dress like any of those adjectives. All I could come up with in my fog filled brain this morning was this yawn-inducing, albeit cozy as hell, ensemble.

(You see that print? Guess what it is?...BIRDS! Apparently Old Navy is going a through a bird stage - see previous post - and apparently I'm all aboard. Who knew?)

I hope to improve on this in the future. These puppies are simply too cute to keep under wraps. Stay tuned for more fun posts featuring my favorite new fall color.

In conclusion, I must apologize for the dull Friday post. I had much bigger plans that were thwarted by the Hubs' fantasy basketball draft which took priority over my blogging. Four computers, two iPads and I'm somehow still left to peck this post out on my phone like a Quaker. First world problems, right? OK, I'm done complaining.

Until next time, friends!

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