We meet again.
Two years older, two years wiser and oh so much to talk
about! A lot of life has happened in the last two years and somewhere along the
line my little blog got put up on a shelf to collect dust – which come to think
of it is exactly what I feel like my brain
has been doing lately. So here I am, rescuing both of them from certain death,
polishing them up and displaying them proudly. Sure, I realize the only two
people who ever read this blog were my sister and my mother-in-law (yes, Loving
BF is now Loving Husband – we’ll get to that later) so it’s not exactly an extravagant
display, but a display nonetheless.
When we last spoke I was 29 (ah, youth), enjoying my “summer
break” and dating my wonderful boyfriend. Fast forward to 2012. I’m now 31, putting
my degree to work again and am married! I’ve picked up hobbies and habits along
the way and recently discovered that this whole blogging thing can be pretty
damn cool. It all started with Pinterest (doesn’t everything these days?) which
lead to one fashion blog which lead to five and then 10 and is now a full-blown
craving for constant stimulation in the form of cozy knits, skinny jeans,
pumpkin-themed recipes and crafts I admire but will never actually make.
So I’m bringin’ it back. Wine, dine, love and so much more. I’ll be updating you non-existent followers on all things me, as random as I’m SURE that will be. Read if you want, stay if you like. I’m not promising much, but I’ll do my best.Welcome (back), friends
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